Tuesday, November 4, 2008

miracles of ammabagavan

A man who took great pride in his lawns found himself with a large crop of Dandelions. He tried every method he knew to get rid of them. Still they plagued him.

Finally he wrote to the Department of Agriculture. He enumerated all the things he had tried and closed his letter with the question, “What shall I do now?”

In due course the reply came, “We suggest you learn to love them.”

I too was greatly proud of my goodness, nobility and God fearing nature, until I found a great shadow lurking within me. It was a series of accidents that led me to the doorsteps of Sri Kalki.

For the first time ever I came face to face with myself. I thought I did not have jealousy, frustration, discontent and fear. To my great surprise I found I had jealousy, fear, discontent and frustration. I thought I was beyond selfishness while Bhagavan showed me that behind every action of mine there was a self. Bhagavan showed me that the ‘Rama’ that I thought I was, never existed. I was a Ravana. My only son had heard me tell often, “Son, you have to study well and hold a good position in the society. I want you to be happy in life. I love you very much. I don’t want you to suffer.”

It was not fatherly love that made me say them, instead my own traumas and insecurity and the fear of ridicule from friends and relatives, acted behind the scene.

The whole experience of seeing myself happen when as a stranger I stood one among the thousands who were worshipping Bhagavan in one of the darshans. I felt Bhagavan’s eyes suddenly rest on me. As His compassionate eyes bored into mine, I saw His form seated in my heart. Bhagavan was looking at me from within me. The experience of self-discovery began that second. For forty-five minutes a great storm raged within me as I came up with several excuses with everyone of my behaviour. I didn’t want to accept my inner ugliness. Desperate tears poured down my eyes. The darshan was coming to a close.

Suddenly Bhagavan spoke from within, “Embracing yourself is the first and the last step.” The Lord fell silent. That minute the gates of paradise opened up in me. A joy beyond everything that I have ever known coursed through my body. As Bhagavan left I found myself dancing in ecstasy. I danced my jealousy, I danced my selfishness, I danced my anger, I danced my frustration. This joy stays with me till today.

In my office as I perform my duty I find jealousy, fear and anger racing through me and I dance them. People around me join me in my dance. I am four times as efficient as I was before and still I am left with a reservoir of energy when I go to bed.

My Anatha Koti Pada Pranams to Bhagavan.

December 22, 2007

Bhagavan eating Brinjal!

Contributed by Vishal Kshhatrriya


This is a regular practice at Vishal Kshhatrriya's house, where he offers food to Sri Bhagavan and Amma before his every meal.

So one day, as usual when he offered food prepared with Brinjal (Brinjal is considered to be Bhagavan's favorite vegetable ) to Amma Bhagavan, after few minutes he and his family members saw a Big Bite eaten away by Bhagavan!

Just take a look at the miracle pic!

This is not happening just to one devotee's house, but in every house, wherever Amma and Bhagavan's shrimurti is placed, in those devotees life miracles are on - going happening throughout the day. For Amma Bhagavan devotees, the Sri Murti (the photo of Amma Bhagavan) is not an ordinary laminated photo. For them through their personal experience, they have seen Bhagavan coming out of Sri Murti, sometimes Bhagavan answers their prayers by nodding His Head, in some people house Amma's walks around their house and helps them in their day to day activity - for proof they hear Amma's Anklets noise (golusu), and many more variety of experiences.

The Antaryamin Bhagavan or The Personal God gets awakened when he is loved by his devotees and god is not an abstract word or a form to them, but has become a Family Member to him.

A Quote from Bhagavan's Mahakvakya - "It is not enough to know that I exist, you must know Me personally."

Viraat Swaroop of Bhagavan

Contributed by Vishal Kshhatrriya

Hi all,

This is a Miracle pic!

Well the history is one of the devotee was having the snap of earlier shrimurti (in yellow dress). While some other devotee asked for the same shrimurti. Because of the unavailability for one more shrimurti....he thought that he can give the Xerox of this shrimurti and when the xerox came it was like this - Bhagavan in Viraat Swaroop!

You must be wondering - how did this happened? and why did it happen to only that person?

If you have gone through the historical stories and also Bhaktas like Meerabai, Narsinh Mehta, Kabirdas, God has manifested to them in various forms and figures to please his bhaktas (devotees). "God is not unknown, but unknowable".

In discourses with Sri Bhagavan and many of the Oneness affiliated programmes, we have learnt that if there are 64 Billion people on this planet earth, so there are 64 billion experiences, consciousness, each varying from one to another. Each one's experience will be different than the other. The Truth, The Experience which a person (A) has received, may or may not be the Truth for (B). Thus God or The Divine too manifests in each being differently.


So, no one in this world will be or can be fully convinced about God, about Life, about Miracles...until that becomes your personal experience.

In the Darshans of Sri Bhagavan and Amma and programmes conducted by the Oneness University, each individual experience this spiritual awakening wherein he comes face to face with His Personal God or Antaryamin in the form and power he choses to.

September 28, 2007

Inner Passion Transforms into Outer Reality

Hi all,

I finally got time to share my experience. I would like to introduce myself today to my viewers.

I am 23 year old, graduated in Bachelors of Psychology. Presently I am working in a UK based Software Company as HR which is basically a financial services company. We from India provide them software development to our clients over at UK. I am solely responsible to take care of the small team of people in India.

Here goes my experience:

I recently attended the Break Thru course at the Oneness University. I wanted an opening or a break thru in my career. My current job was not so satisfactory for me(my past job). But something or other would come upon me, wherein I didn't get any vacancy for the right kind of job I wanted and with acceptable salary package. I was going thru lot of emotional turmoils, which happened to affect directly on my relationships with my family, my fiance and all others. I was unhappy, and now & then I used to get upset and depressed.

As I was attending the Break Thru course, I got clarity over to my problems and sufferings. In the course, we were given complete solutions to our problems, and not only that, we have been taught as to how to tackle other problems too. Now I can proudly announce, that I can face any bitter of life, and still keep growing in understanding and experiencing of the very life. I know, how can I change my world of disturbances and problems, to BreakThru and Solutions.

The result of BreakThru course is - I have got a wonderful job offer for the post of HR in an IT Company (my desired career), and with a hike in salary package. I had not completed my BreakThru course, I got the offer/leap in my career. And what is my background - I am just a graduate with 1 year and more experience. Isn't it a MIRACLE? Yes, it is Miracle in my life.

So, did you get inspired by my experience? :) All I can say, I am delighted to have this experience. It is due to this new personality born in me, I am more capable and strong.


Life In Oneness

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